The Ray Hubbard Bass Club held our second members only tournament of 2022 on March 12th at Cypress Springs Lake. The day started bitterly cold with temperatures at 24 degrees for first cast. The 31 boats that came out were rewarded later by sunny skies and much warmer temperatures and just a nice breeze. Fishing was pretty good considering water temps were high 40’s to start. Eight limits were weighed in with some good ones caught. The team of Chris Atkinson and myself ended the day on top with a limit that weighed 18.85 pounds. Big bass of the event turned out to be a new RHBC record. A monster of 12.02 pounds was weighed in by the team of Josh Mulkey and Tim Havins, Fish of a lifetime for Tim!
That’s a wrap for Cypress! Thanks to Ronnie and Capp for running registration on a very cold morning. Thanks to Cameron for keeping the money straight and to Paul Spann and Shellye and James Crawford for running a smooth weigh in. Next tournament is Saturday April 9th on Cedar Creek going out of Log Cabin. If you would like to join us for that, plan on attending the meeting on Thursday April 7th at the Flying Fish in Garland. See you there!