The Ray Hubbard Bass Club held our end of year, two day Championship on Lake Bob Sandlin on November 14-15. 28 boats came out for this non entry fee, qualifiers only event. The rain held off but the wind blew hard from the south on Saturday and hard from the north on Sunday making fishing on the main lake tougher. Fishing was tough for the most part, especially on Sunday when it turned to blue bird skies on the front. A limit was hard to come by as fishing all over north Texas this fall has not been easy. Our winners this year were Dennis and Damon Machost with a two day combined weight of 28.72 pounds. Big bass on Saturday went to Jeff Cartwright and Jay Messersmith with a 6.65 and to Doug Rener and Andy Medina on Sunday with a 4.08.
That does it for 2020. A huge thank you to all who helped during this tumultuous year of 2020. My VP David Mulkey. Shellye and James Crawford. Cameron Laing. Vince Burt and Mark Werner. Paul Spann and David Choate who weighed fish all year. My friend and partner and 2020 Angler of the Year Chris Atkinson. Here’s hoping 2021 is back to business as usual. Our 2021 schedule will be out in a few days. Our first meeting will be Thursday January 14th at a location To Be Determined. Come out and join us then!