Interested In Joining the Fastest Growing Bass Club in North Texas?
Ray Hubbard Bass Club is always looking for more members. Whether you’re a beginner bass fisherman or a seasoned tournament veteran, we would love to have you come out and enjoy the fun.
Our Purpose: To promote interest in Bass Fishing and provide an environment of fellowship and learning through the exchange of ideas and techniques, while providing a friendly competitive environment for it’s members and their families.
We are a group of fishermen who enjoy both the pure enjoyment of fishing and the competition of a small tournament held each month. We believe in the enjoyment of a monthly meeting where we can fellowship with each other or maybe learn from a seminar held by a local pro or guide. We believe in participating in local events, being ambassadors to the sport, and supporting or helping at High School Tournaments, Fish For A Cure and other Charity events throughout the year.
We offer a chance to fish, a time to have fun, the opportunity to learn new techniques and the possibility to meet others who share your passion. At the end of the day we are an old fashioned “having-a-good-time” club. Laughing together, enjoying each other’s company, even poking fun at each other is important. Because even though we’re there to catch fish, and win if we can, we still want everyone to have a good time doing it.
Here are some quick facts about our club:
- We’re a growing bass club
- Monthly tournaments are within a 150 mile radius of Lake Ray Hubbard
- Meetings are held at Flying Fish Restaurant in Garland (in the back room) at 7:00 PM the Tuesday before the tournament.
- Tournament days are on the 2nd Saturday of each month, unless otherwise noted
- One 2-day tournament per year (Club Championship in November)
- Fish from your own boat with a family member, friend, or other club member. Or “catch a ride” and make friends with one of our other boater members.
Tournament / Club Fees & Information:
- Club membership fee is $30/year per individual or per family (immediate family members only).
- Tournament fee is $80 per team or individual.
- $15 of each tournament fee goes to our year-end Championship fund
- $5 of each tournament fee goes to the RHBC general fund
- $5 of each tournament fee goes to the Big Bass fund
- Remaining $55 will be paid out in a 1 to 5 payout. Limited to 6 places.
If you’re interested in joining the club, use the contact form below, or just show up to one of our bass club meetings