Ray Hubbard Bass Club By-Laws

rev. 11/06/2024


Section 1 – Name-The name of the organization shall be the ‘Ray Hubbard Bass Club’ herefore referred to as RHBC in this document.

Section 2 – ObjectiveTo promote conservation and to improve the fishing skills of its membership through the fellowship and friendly exchange of bass fishing techniques and ideas, and to promote and encourage young fishermen to become involved in the sport of tournament fishing.

Section 3 – MeetingsThe regular meeting of this organization shall be held monthly at such time and place as the membership shall designate and for the conduct of the Club’s regular business until changed by the membership. The meeting time shall be at 7 P.M. on the Tuesday before the second Saturday of each calendar month at a place to be announced to each member with sufficient prior notice to be reasonable. The Officers or the Board of Directors may call special meetings at any time.

Section 4 – Order of BusinessThe order of business for each membership meeting of the RHBC shall be as follows: (a) President calls the meeting to order. (b) Reports of Officers, including Secretary/Treasurer, and Tournament Director’s report. (c) Special Announcements (guest speakers, area tournament news, and other relevant items of interest) (d) New Business (new members, suggestions or voting on by-law adjustments) (e) Old Business (review of pending issues from prior Club meeting) (f) Raffle & Door prizes (g) Close

Section 5 – MembershipMembership in the RHBC shall be open to any person who is in good standing in the community. Membership shall start upon payment of dues and recommendation by a member in good standing with approval by the membership

at a regular meeting. At least one member of a new team must be present at a regular meeting to officially join the RHBC before the team is able to fish in a club tournament.

Members will be required to fill out an information sheet to include name, phone number and e-mail address for Club communication needs. Membership in the RHBC is contingent upon full payment of the required dues in an amount established by the membership. Until changed by a majority vote of the membership, dues shall be $30.00 per member per Club year. Dues are non-refundable. Membership shall include immediate family (parents, spouse, children, grandchildren, siblings.) Membership in the RHBC is limited to 150 members.

Upon appropriate recommendation by the club officers, a member may be removed from the club for any of the following reasons: (a) Failure to comply with the civil and criminal laws of our state and federal government (b) Failure to conduct oneself in morally ethical pursuits. (c) Any action, which would reflect dishonor or disgrace upon the RHBC or its members.

Section 6 – Voting-Each eligible voting member of the RHBC shall be entitled to one vote on each matter of business, which may be introduced at any meeting of the Club.

Voting on elections of Officers and Directors shall be by nomination and seconded and voting will be by voice or show of hands. A simple majority shall be required for approval of any issue before the membership unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws. Votes shall not be cumulative or by proxy.

The November meeting is the only month members may make motions and vote on those same motions to amend the Club’s By-Laws to be put into full effect the following year. The President will abstain from voting on all Club issues unless there is a tie vote. The President will have the deciding vote in the case of a tie.

Section 7 – Club Year-The Club ‘Tournament’ year shall be designated as the period from January 1st thru December 31st. The point system will run in conjunction with the Club year.


Section 1 – Board-The Officers and Directors of the RHBC shall make up the Board of Directors. Inclusive of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Director and Tournament Director(s).

Section 2 – Term-All Officers and Directors of the Club shall be elected annually by the voting membership as specified by the by-laws. The Officers shall hold office for the term of one year or until the successors are duly elected. Officers will be members of the Board of Directors and the Tournament Committee; the President shall act as Chairman of the Board.

Eligibility for Holding Office- To be eligible to be an officer, a member must: (a) been a member for six months. (b) Have attended at least 3/4 of Chapter meetings and 3/4 of Chapter functions. (c) Have shown an active interest in all Chapter functions.

Section 3 – President-It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the membership and Directors and to see that the Club carries out all directives and resolutions of the Board. The President may be a member of any appointed committee. He shall likewise perform all such duties as may properly and ordinarily relate to his office.

Section 4 – Vice-President-The Vice-President, during the absence of the President, shall render and perform all his duties and exercise his powers as set forth in these by- laws. He shall be subject to all the responsibility hereby given or imposed upon the President. He shall perform all such duties as may properly and ordinarily be related to such office as may be designated to him from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Section 5 – Secretary –It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep current record of all business meetings of the membership, and at their option, the Board of Directors meetings, and to keep a record of all membership cards issued, and to certify voter eligibility, and to perform all such duties as may properly and ordinarily relate to such office, or be delegated to him or her, by the Board of Directors.

Section 6 Treasurer-The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep a complete statement and account of all disbursements made by him of club assets. He shall render a statement of condition of the finances of the Club at each regular meeting of the Board and membership and at such other times of his term of office. He shall keep for the Club correct books of accounts of all its business transactions and such books as may be required, including an account of such sundry possessions of the Club as patches, decals, apparel, and other tangible property, and shall have custody of such property.

The Treasurer will make sure all money submitted as tournament fees is accounted for and tournament payouts align with the payout sheet.

Section 7 – Social Media Director-The duties of the Social Media Director shall be to maintain the Facebook and Twitter accounts and collect any and all information from the other officers or members for posting. Post the tournament results and photographs and news and events for members and followers to see.

Section 8 – Directors– The Board of Directors composed of voting Officers including the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Director, and Tournament Director/Directors, shall manage the affairs of the Club.

Section 9 – Meetings-The regular meetings of the Board will be held monthly at a time and place set by the Board prior to the regular monthly Club meeting. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President at any time and may be called upon

request of any two Directors. The Board may request the attendance of any officer, committee member, or other member at their meetings.

Section 10 – Vacancy-The Board shall fill any vacancy in any office without undue delay at the regular meeting or at a meeting especially called for that purpose. In the case of prolonged absence of three consecutive meetings of any Officer of the Club, or any reason the Board deems sufficient, the Board may delegate the duties of such office to any other Officer or Director for the duration of that term, provided a majority of the entire Board concurs (unless otherwise provided in the by-laws).


Section 1 – Tournament Director and Co-Tournament DirectorIt shall be the duty of the Tournament Director to: ” Implement the provisions of these by-laws, which pertain to the planning, and conducting of the Club’s tournaments. ” Act as the presiding tournament official and may act as a judge or delegate that responsibility. Submit the tournament results after each tournament to the President and the President shall maintain the cumulative tournament record and point standings. Perform all other duties as may properly and ordinarily relate to such-office and as may be delegated to him by the Board of Directors. Properly secure the tournament prizes and distribute at the end of each tournament. Along with the Tournament Committee (Officers of the Club), shall make all decisions necessary and fitting to carry out the Club’s regular fishing tournaments.

Section 2 – Budget and Schedule-Each tournament shall be budgeted and scheduled subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The Club through selection and approval will determine the tournament schedule by Club vote. Lake selection can be any body of water in a 150 mile radius of Bass Pro Shops Garland. The Championship Lake does not have to adhere to the 150 mile rule. Should any tournament have to be postponed for weather or other circumstances and a conflict arises on the lake, which was originally scheduled, the next highest lake in number of votes will be chosen as the replacement. The regular Club tournament will be held once a month following the regular meeting. Tournament fees will be $80.00 per team/boat. The breakdown of the

$80.00 fee is as follows; $55.00 for tournament payout, $5.00 for Big Bass payout,

$15.00 to Championship fund, and $5.00 to the Club fund. The Tournament Fee shall be subject to change and approved on a yearly basis by Club vote.

Section 3 – Payouts – Payouts to be presented for each tournament shall be determined by the Tournament Director (or Tournament Committee member) after the tournament, consistent with the payout amounts set forth. All payouts will be awarded immediately following the tournament. There will be one big bass award per tournament no matter how many boats have entered

Section 4 – Safety & Conduct-Each member participating in a meeting or a club tournament shall conduct himself in a safe, courteous, and sportsman-like manner. These provisions shall be treated in the same manner as disputes as provided for in the By-Laws in Article 3, Section 6.

Section 5 – Eligibility to Participate-Any member in good standing of the RHBC may fish in any tournament upon payment of the proper entry fee and submission of a signed liability release form. A non- member may fish in one tournament per calendar year as a guest of a member in good standing. This same nonmember may not fish as a guest of another member in the same Club tournament year. Non-members must fish in the same boat with the inviting member of the Club. Two non-members are not allowed to fish from the same boat. Non-members must pay the proper entry fee in order to participate in any RHBC tournament. A member may fish with a maximum of 2 different guests per year as long as they meet all ‘eligibility to participate’ requirements. To qualify for the Club Championship each member must physically participate in one more than half of all regular season tournaments. i.e. 5 of 9, 5 of 8, 4 of 7.

No buy-ins will be allowed for any tournament. The set number of tournaments shall be approved by Club for each season and can be modified with the Club’s approval in the event of cancellations for that season.

In addition to the set number of tournaments, members must participate in at least 1 community event to be determined by the Club to qualify for both Angler of the Year and the Club Championship.

No AOY points will be awarded for the RHBC Open Tournament, Fish For A Cure or the Club Championship.

The Club cannot fish the same lake/lakes for the Club Championship that were fished during the regular season. The Championship Lake/Lakes will be voted on at the June meeting

Top 6 Participation: If the Top Six Tournament is being held, the Club will send two teams of three boats to the annual Top 6 tournament. “Team 1” will consist of the top six points earners individual or team that will fill a three boat team. The Club will pay the entry fee and one night hotel stay for Team 1. “Team 2” will consist of the next 6 points earners individual or team in the standings. Team 2 will pay the entry fee and all other expenses accrued for the Top Six. Any money or prizes won by Top 6 participants are theirs to keep. The determination of Top 6 participants will be made after the July Tournament. If any qualified members choose not to participate, the next qualified individual or team will be invited until the teams are full.

Guides: A person may not fish an RHBC Tournament if they have been paid as a Licensed Guide for Bass fishing (largemouth, smallmouth or spotted) on a lake the Club is fishing in the last six (6) months from the tournament date.

Article 3-Section 6 – Protests

If a legally participating member of the Club witnesses what he/she perceives to be a violation of the rules, they have up to 15 minutes after weigh in has concluded to file a protest. That person will be interviewed by a panel of Club Officers including all Tournament Directors and other Club Officers that are present, unless one of those Officers is either the member protesting, or the member being protested. After the protesting member has given their statement, the panel will interview the member being protested. After hearing both sides of the protest, the panel will convene and make a ruling. All rulings are final. If a protest is not filed within 15 minutes of the end of weigh in, the matter will not be considered.

If the protest is determined to be credible by the tournament director(s), the offending individual or team will have weight disqualified and will receive no points for the tournament. All offenses carry the same disqualification.

Article 3-Section 7 – Tournament Start Time

All Tournament start times will be decided by what is deemed to be Civil Twilight. That time will be rounded up to the nearest 5 or 0. The Club will vote on end time (lines out) at the meeting the month before. The exception to this are the July and August Tournaments. These tournaments will have a start time of 6:00AM because of the summer heat and a finish time of 12:00PM

Article 3-Section 8 – Live Well Checks

When registering, all participants will receive a ribbon to be displayed on the trolling motor. There will be no live well checks at monthly club tournaments. The Open tournament and FFAC will be subject to a live well checks by a Tournament Director. When completed, the Tournament Director will attach a piece of colored ribbon to the trolling motor shaft to signify the boat has been checked and is legal for participation. The ribbon shall remain on the trolling motor for the duration of the tournament

Article 3-Section 9 – On The Water

Prefishing is allowed up to 5p.m. on the day before tournament begins. All participants must be off the water at this time.

Fishing waters will be defined as continuous and connected boat accessable water in the chosen lake for each tournament.

All bridges no matter if they are marked or not, are considered No Wake zones. All members must idle under bridges. If there are buoys out marking the area, you must idle until through the buoyed area before running on plane.

No boat may fish within 25 yards of another participating boat, unless members agree among the participating teams that it is allowed.

All buoyed off areas marked Keep Out or No Fishing must be obeyed. If there are Keep Out buoys, the members boat MAY NOT cross those buoys. They may however cast in to the area.

Life jackets must be worn at all times when the combustion motor is running and in gear. The driver MUST have the kill switch engaged.

Individuals or Team Members may only have five (5) bass in the live well at a time. If a sixth keeper fish is caught, the individual or a Team Member must cull a fish. The sixth fish MUST be released before the culling participant makes his/her next cast.

The culling of a dead fish is illegal. If a Team or Individual is caught culling a dead fish, it is grounds for disqualification.

Only largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass with a minimum length of 14” will be allowed. The Prorule ruler is the official ruler for RHBC.

Fish may only be caught utilizing artificial lures. No live bait is allowed. Only one rod per participant may be used at a time.

Trolling is NOT allowed. Long lining with the trolling motor or engine is not allowed

No alcohol or illegal drugs may be used at any time during tournament hours

Article 3-Section 10 – Registration and Weigh In

A Tournament Director or Club Officer will begin registration for tournament participants one hour before first cast at the area designated by the Club. At that time entry fee will be paid, and a numbered chip handed out. The member may then launch the boat or trailer to another ramp, launch, and proceed to their starting spot. No cast will be made until the deemed starting time. If a member wishing to participate is running late, they must contact the Tournament Director to make arrangements to get that member paid and checked in. This is at the discretion of the Tournament Director. It is the member’s responsibility to follow all directions given to legally participate. Lines must be out of the water at the end time agreed to by the Club. Teams then have 30 minutes from that time to get back to the area where weigh in will be conducted and put their numbered chip on

the board. If the chip is NOT on the board by the assigned time, the Tournament Directors will remove the board and member’s arriving late will have to turn the chip in directly to them. Members will be penalized 1 pound for every minute they are late, up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes their catch will be considered a zero for the day.

Article 3-Section 11 – Awarding of Angler of the Year Points

Each participating fisherman from a team shall be awarded 10 points for the largest bass caught in a tournament

The team finishing first in points shall be awarded 150 AOY points plus the weight of the fish they weigh. i.e. if a team weighs in a winning bag of 22.33 pounds, the number of points awarded will be 172.33 points. Each place will then be reduced by 5 points in order of finish until the awarded points reach 50. A participating team who does not weigh a fish will be awarded 50 AOY points for a tournament.

The end of year points will include dropping your two lowest points totals for the year, so your final tally will be your seven best tournament finishes. The individual or team with the highest point total at that time will be the Angler/Anglers of the Year.

The Top 6 teams from RHBC will be configured using the highest point totals after the July tournament. Your single lowest point total to that point will be dropped to get the points counted for Top 6 qualification

Championship Tournament Qualification

All members who fish more than half of the RHBC Points Tournaments in that calendar year, and participate in at least one community event, are eligible for the Championship in November. There is no entry fee for this tournament.