Saturday, May 11th, 2019 – Lake Bob Sandlin

The Ray Hubbard Bass Club held our third members only tournament last Saturday, May 11th on Lake Bob Sandlin. We fished in a cold steady rain all day. Luckily, no other major weather problems came along. 39 boats came out to fish and were rewarded by biting bass for most! 28 of the 39 entered weighed five fish limits. When all was said and done, defending Anglers of the Year Vince Burt and Mark Werner lapped the field with a tremendous five fish limit weighing 26.87 pounds! Their margin of victory was over 10 pounds. Big bass of the event went to the team of Derek Sullivan and Maurice Williams who weighed a 7.56 toad. I apologize for the quality on a few of the pictures. The camera got some water in it from the rain and the lens fogged and it took a few minutes to get another camera.

Thanks to James and Shellye Crawford for doing registration and live well checks in the ramp chaos Saturday morning and helping with weigh in. Thanks to Paul Spann and Robert Hitt for weighing fish and keeping the line moving. Thanks to everyone who came out and fished.

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